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Site Visit of CVVT Laboratory for Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)
DATE: 27 Jul 2021
VENUE: CVVT Laboratory, Hong Kong Science Park
We are pleased to host a visit from Ms. Rebecca Ting-Ting Pun and Mr. Arthur Chung-Pak Au, representatives of Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). During the visit, the scientific directors of CVVT, Prof. Kwok-Yung Yuen and Prof. Honglin Chen, as well as project leaders, introduced the representatives to the advanced equipment and technology utilized in our R&D achievements.
The visit served as a good opportunity for the representatives to observe the impact of CVVT's R&D achievements and gain a better understanding of the center's role in advancing the field of virology and vaccinology for infectious diseases.
Tel: 3910 3688
Fax: 3753 2284
1. Laboratory: Unit 208-213, 2/F, Building 15W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T.
2. Office: Unit 313-316, 3/F,
Building 17W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T.
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